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My family says the same thing about Whitney Houston's daughter.

She should have her hair done everyday and she shouldn't be that fat!
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She's in denial. Like brown-skinned black girls who "need" a tan, or walk into class with their hair dripping wet. WTF? It's ok to not perm, but doesn't mean you can get away with white people shit either
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the kids who posted the neg shit about her don't go to our school hahahaha
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wow, there's a lot of horrible things being said. racist stuff. it's not funny.
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Ack! I went to the same summer camp as that kid!
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Hey post the link to her lj again.
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I laughed at her layout.
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Ooh, she's gone all "friends only" on us. Boo-to-the-hoo.

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oh hay sup leandra
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get on aim & talk to me bitch
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i hope i don't get ripped a new asshole for doing this >:/
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I doubt you will, it seemed like everyone hated her from the show.
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I hope you do, but only because I want MTV to film it.
Does she really act like that (like when she was handing out the invitations and her head exploded on that one girl...)
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I just love how this community creates it's own celebrities.
But omg -
Sophia Mitchell < Margaret.
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